Term Loans
Put your business plans into action with this flexible loan
When you’re ready to upgrade your equipment or expand your business, a business loan from Monterra Credit Union fits the bill.
Borrow from a trusted small business lender
Receive your funds in a lump sum
Choose a term between 12 and 84 months
Fixed interest rate helps you budget with certainty
Secure the financing you need for your business
Business owners turn to us for affordable loan options that help their companies take next steps and thrive. Our lending team will do the same for you, structuring a term loan that fits your budget and aligns with your goals.
- Popular uses include financing commercial and computer equipment, leasehold improvements and funding expansion projects
- Use to refinance your existing small business loan from another financial institution
- A documentation fee applies
- Lien search and recording fees may also apply
Ready to grow your business faster?
Build a secure financial foundation with an interest-earning savings account.
Seeking a business checking account? Receive everything you need to manage your commercial funds.
We invest in the success of people and our community by:
- Giving back
- Making things easier
- Committing ourselves to our members' potential